Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Been a while......

about time i did an update :) i've had a good excuse though, our computer has been broken for a few months & we finally got it fixed!!

In our family life Mike is busy with Tafe doing a Welder/Boiler Maker apprenticeship, Bailey turned 2 in September, Cooper goes to YMCA 'Fun for Fours' one afternoon a week & LOVES it and we are very blessed to be expecting another little bundle of joy due May next year!! As for me I am trying to put up with feeling sick all the time & still look after my family, but it is a 'healthy sickness' (even thought i don't feel so healthy) and we are truly thankful for the blessing of children!

On the house front, we have finally got blinds & as my mum and dad are getting a swimming pool we hired a turf cutter, took the grass out of their backyard and put it in our front yard! It was only enough for about 3/4 of the front yard, but it is a start & we will just buy some more rolls.

Now for a few photos from the last few months, enjoy :)

Very excited for our first day of 'Fun for Fours'

Dress up day at school

New way to sleep.....

New place to sleep...... (we have found him a few times in the morning sleeping under our bed)

Sunday arvo bed hair

Cooper drawing of 'our family'! He can also write all of our names (good way to keep him quiet in church)

the boys love it that we have a park just up the road, especially as we dont have any grass yet

I asked Bailey what cake he would like for his birthday, thinking a nearly 2yr old wouldn't have an answer..... but, out came 'tractor'!!

Mike likes to give the boys blue hair on birthdays :)


birthday boy :)


both boys like to wear Mike's motorbike helmet.....

and climb on the motorbikes.....

one sunny saturday afternoon

couldn't keep this water rat out of the cold water

tired after swimming

boys enjoying their babychino's from oma's coffee machine while dad's working hard

big helpers!! hard work rolling up all the grass

only had one hat with me, so oma found an old hat from opa for Bailey :)

YAY!! some grass in the front! (Coop thought he had to take ALL his clothes off to run through the sprinklers.....)

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